Monday, 26 January 2015

A1 portfolio page: 'Drape' Final Outcome

4 x A5 sized sheets. I was given a duvet cover, which I turned into a multi-functional cape. Using acrylic paint, I painted the black geometric shapes onto the cape, which was inspired by my research.

A3 sketchbook pages: 'Drape' Research and Design Development

I began the 'Drape' project with research into designers and artists for ideas and inspiration. I draped my fabric onto a mannequin, and then photographed and drew designs for development.

A1 portfolio page: 'Deconstruct/Reconstruct' Visualisations and Samples

2 x A4 sized sheets. I produced design visualisations using photoshop for the 'De/Re' project. I also included samples of what I'd use in these designs: honeycomb pleat, box pleat and folded pleats.

'Deconstruct/Reconstruct' Final Outcome

Front View
I made a jacket out of 1980's patterned curtains which I bought from a charity shop. I incorporated pleating into the jacket so that it keeps a sense of what it used to be. 

'Deconstruct/Reconstruct' Final Outcome

Back view

A3 sketchbook pages: 'Deconstruct/Reconstruct'

Before I deconstructed the pair of curtains, I took photographs and made drawings of the item for primary research. I positioned the item in various ways when photographing it, to give me ideas for shapes, techniques and patterns when designing. In the drawing above, I have used felt tip, charcoal and tracing paper.

A1 portfolio page: Life Drawing

A2 sized paper. This is a series of four one-minute drawings of a woman, using graphic markers.